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About the counting application

The counting application allows bicycle parking managers to monitor and analyse the use of a bicycle parking facility. This allows bicycle parking managers to support policy decisions on, for example, the need for expansion or maintenance. The counting application uses as a basis the data available on each bicycle parking facility in VeloPark. Through the aplication, you can create a counting campaign and select which bicycle parking facilities you want to monitor. A count form is then generated that you can share with the counters. The results are subsequently made available on an analysis platform.

Why count?

Rising bicycle use and the variety of bicycles mean that the need for bicycle parking facilities is also changing significantly. For local authorities and bicycle parking managers, it is a major challenge. With the counting application, we support the monitoring and analysis of bicycle parking facilities. The occupancy rate of the parking facility is measured against the number of available places and the condition of the parking facility itself can also be assessed. This way, bicycle parking managers know whether they need to expand or upkeep the parking facility. The application specifically distinguishes between standard bicycles, outsized bicycles and charging points for electric bikes. Several consecutive counting campaigns can be compared over time, for different bicycle parking facilities. With the campaigns' results, a coherent policy around bicycle parking can build up.

How does it work?

You can create your own counting campaigns via the counting application. After choosing to create a new campaign, you can select the bicycle parking facilities you want to include in the campaign. You also specify the period in which the bicycle parking facility must be counted and the best time of day to do so (depending on the highest occupancy rate). You can also tick the option to assess the state and need for maintenance of the bicycle parking facility. After you have confirmed the parameters of the bike parking campaign, a link will be generated to a digital count form. You can share that link with each person taking part in the count. Through the link, that person opens the digital count form. In a first step, the counting agents indicate the shelter they want to count. They are then guided through the count form in a number of steps. Help windows are available in each screen. At the end, there is space for a photo, comments and an email address. The person counting can fill in the latter to be kept informed about the count.